Yoni Massage and Yoni Mapping
In the neo-tantric practice, which I teach and practise in the self-awareness groups I lead and in the tantra practice and massage retreat training, the basics of Kashmirian tantra massage according to Daniel Odier and tantra massage according to Andro® are demonstrated and practised. This includes – if desired – yoni massage and/or yoni mapping.
In this article, I will outline the basic elements of this special form of registered healing treatment in the form of a massage, which I prefer to describe as a meditative encounter in touch, and then go into more detail about yoni massage and yoni mapping. Of course, there is also lingam massage and lingam mapping for the interested man, the procedure and content are similar with the given differences as with yoni massage and yoni mapping.
An important note: I am aware that the terms yoni (Sanskrit for the female genitalia) and lingam (Sanskrit for the male genitalia) can be read heteronormatively because – albeit in a different language – they refer to a clear biologically-based difference: either female or male. In order to do justice to the current state of the art in sexology, we should rather talk about genital massage and genital mapping. In my opinion, this term is inclusive and includes all possible anatomical gender variations and sexual identities.
However, in this article I would like to give people who are read as female a new approach to their genitals and this particular form of yoni massage and yoni mapping is ideal for this.
I deliberately use the term yoni mapping or yoni massage because the word yoni describes the entire female genitalia in all its parts: Vulva, vulval lips, clitoral organ, vagina, uterus and ovaries.
What is a Tantra Massage according to Andro®?
Tantra massage according to Andro® is a special form of mindful, sensual touch that is registered as a therapeutic treatment. Touch and the sense of touch are indispensable for many vital functions, even for large babies, i.e. for us, adult humans, and yet quality touch is in short supply, even in relationships. The art of mindful sensual touch – Tantra massage – fills this gap.
Tantra massages are an attempt to resolve the dichotomy between mind and body, love and lust, to put an end to the prevailing double standards, to open up a way to heal our injuries and deficiencies, to increase our emotional intensity, to promote self-love as a basis for social intelligence, to accompany developments in sexuality in partnerships, and even to bring about social reorientation. (Andro quotes from the script for the Tantra Massage training programme at the Diamond Lotus Institute Berlin).
Effect of a Tantra massage as a healing treatment
The qualitative research I carried out for my Master’s thesis at the end of my Master’s degree in Sexology on the effectiveness of Tantra massages summarised that this special form of mindful sensual touch can have a positive influence on the following aspects of human sexuality:
Enhanced use of physical resources: movement, breathing, rhythm and tone
Expansion of the arousal mode
Increasing the ability to orgasm (including vaginal or internal orgasms and female ejaculation as well as dry orgasms for men)
Liquefaction of rigid roles (man vs woman / active vs passive) while at the same time
Strengthening the feeling of being a sexual being (man*woman)
Increasing sexual self-confidence
Strengthening the feeling of being with oneself, of being in contact with oneself
More intense feelings of pleasure during sex and intensification of a basic feeling of pleasure
Improvement of the genital self-image
Expansion of attraction codes, sexual fantasies and sexual know-how
Spiritual experiences
Furthermore, based on this work, the module Touch Competence: Mindful Sensual Touch for Sexual Counselling was introduced as part of the Master’s degree course in Sexology, a module that is led by me as a lecturer.
The basic elements of a Tantra massage
A well-founded Tantra massage as a healing treatment contains some basic elements. Here is a brief summary:
The setting is regulated: There is one person receiving the touch and one person actively touching.
The meditative mood – This form of touch takes place in a calm, quiet atmosphere. As a rule, people only speak at the beginning and end.
It is an encounter in the here and now, it is about perceiving what is right now and not what should be.
It requires the courage to feel pleasure and closeness.
It is about self-perception and self-awareness as well as
appreciation of all feelings that may arise, not just positive states such as relaxation and pleasure.
A tantra massage does not exclude the intimate zone, but touching the genitals is not a must.
A tantra massage requires in-depth knowledge and experience.
There is a significant difference between an ordinary erotic massage and a well-founded tantra massage: with the former, we know what is going to happen, which in the best case is a sexually satisfying experience. With a tantra massage, we listen to what is to come with an open mind. This can open up spaces and dimensions whose existence we didn’t even suspect beforehand.
The yoni massage (and the lingam massage)
The Andro® Tantra Massage involves the intimate touch of the yoni (and the lingam). These touches are – as with the whole body – flowing, sensual, warm and delicate touches that allow the entire genital area to be felt. For the woman, this means that both the vulva and the vagina are touched if she so wishes. These touches are not directly aimed at discharge. However, this can – but does not have to – happen at any stage of the Tantra massage, it is not judged and is regarded as a natural function. For both private and professional therapeutic tantra massages, the recipient’s concerns should be clarified beforehand.
A therapeutic Tantra massage is not a service, but an intervention that serves as a supported self-experience for the expansion of one’s own sensual, erotic and sexual potential. It is not a service where certain actions can be booked (for example, the guarantee of an orgasm at the end of the session).
Expanding your sensual potential with yoni massage
Yoni massage expands your personal sensual potential by enabling playful, sensual and erotic experiences. Sexual energy can be awakened and distributed throughout the body through full-body strokes. The aim is to let the sexual energy unfold in the body for as long as possible, but also to let its waves come and go without having to reach a specific goal (orgasm). However, this is very individual and varies from situation to situation. For some, the experience of being sexually aroused without climaxing can be something new to alleviate the so-called orgasm fixation. For others, the experience of letting go during orgasm can be something unknown and therefore desirable in such a setting.
Yoni mapping – creating a map of your own genitals
Depending on your needs, this special yoni mapping ritual enables deep contact with your own genital area. It supports the processing of various painful experiences as well as old injuries in the area (surgery/birth trauma/perineal tear/perineal incision, sexual abuse, etc.).
Yoni mapping involves creating a map of the female reproductive organs by looking, touching and feeling. The person touching touches and names different areas of the vulva and vagina. In doing so, they continuously obtain feedback about sensations, feelings and memories and ask whether the speed, pressure and type of touch are pleasant.
Cognitive reprogramming via touch
This cognitive process makes it possible to actively link one’s own perception, thoughts and feelings with each other. In this way, sensitivity can be strengthened and past traumatic experiences can be processed and overcome over time. It is a process of reprogramming in which old experiences and memories that limit sexual potential are overwritten. Many women do not find it easy to describe and put into words their feelings and experiences in relation to sexuality. This is why many women find it pleasant and beneficial to be asked about this.
Learning to talk about feelings and sensations in relation to sexuality
Nevertheless, even because of our lack of experience, we often still don’t know how to talk about it in a relaxed and constructive way. Yoni mapping is a kind of anatomy course in which women can rediscover themselves and express their own sensations and perceptions as well as their wishes and needs.
There are different areas in the yoni, some of which feel completely different. Intimate touch during yoni mapping is carried out with one or two fingers. The finger touch enables a differentiated perception. The inside of the body becomes perceptible and visible through mindful touch. You can then realise that there are areas that are more or less sensitive. By asking the person touching you specific questions, you can see whether, for example, a dull, unclear area can slowly become clearer, e.g. by holding, applying more pressure, stroking or circling.
More self-confidence and pleasure through healing
Sensitivity then slowly develops over time. This leads to more self-confidence on the part of the woman as well as more clarity in contact with her partner. Both yoni massage and yoni mapping allow you to discover very individual points and areas that can become particularly interesting for your own pleasure.
Anatomical/emotional yoni mapping is a sensitive journey in which various pelvic and genital organ regions are discovered and named using gentle touch. With targeted touch, it is possible to release and process emotions and organic pain. Stressful life situations often manifest themselves over many years in tension in this area, which in turn can favour infections and inflammations of various pathogens.
I am well aware that this topic will provoke criticism and disapproval from some readers. A yoni massage or yoni mapping is a special, very intimate experience and is not suitable for every woman. I know from experience that yoni massage and yoni mapping have been a healing tool for many women to make peace with their own bodies and sexuality and to experience more pleasure and fulfilment in their intimate lives. It certainly takes a certain openness and trust in this particular method before a woman can decide to undergo such an experience.
My recommendation: Make thorough enquiries about the person offering this type of treatment. Ask about their background, training and therapeutic experience and book a consultation before you commit to it. Under these circumstances, you can first get an idea and develop a gut feeling as to whether THIS (self) experience with THIS person is right for you.
If you are interested in the topic and are considering whether you would like to experience this particular self-experience with me, please feel free to contact me. In this case, this experience also requires a separate counselling appointment: sitari@soham.de
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Credits: The image for this blog comes from the web and is a reproduction of an American artist: Georgia O’Keefe.